Friday, April 17, 2009

my nubbin

Mike: if a nudist was a nazi, would you call them a nudzi?

me: but how will i prepare for celebrations if i don't know what we're doing?!
Marco: UNIWEAR! good in any situation!
me: no but i mean what shall i pick up!
Marco: biddies
mos def
me: age pref?
Marco: 10
me: dude biddy is over 65
Marco: we'll slick their hair back to make 'em look younger
me: "aieee! not my BLUEWASH!!"

Mike: nail polish!
who wants to nail a polish guy anyways!

me: okay, list of things that involved in my night at april's tonight:
1) bacon
2) a bedazzler
3) mccain's deep'n'delicious cake
4) port
5) nail polish
Bryan: Is a deep and delicious cake what I think it is wink wink?

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