Wednesday, October 20, 2010

but not out loud, sadly

Bryan: Someone else today asked me what color the server was. Is it that big black box over in the respiratory office?
"I don't know I've never been on site or seen the server"
Well how do you not know what color it is at least?
"Oh sorry I thought that question was rhetorical"

Bryan: but then they got all mad when I said that there was no place to plug in the interface
like that was my problem
Bryan: they don't even have Helix!
Bryan: that's like me calling Lockheed-Martin and complaining that there's no AUX jack on my 4Runner's stereo

Bryan: the best part is that all these calls are on speakerphone so as soon as I start to answer someone in the room invariably wants to add something to the question, so they talk over me because the use a half duplex speakerphone and I have to repeat my answer
Bryan: "You want to start testing?"
N----(o I just need to know what ports)
"We're not ready for testing yet probably"
N----(o I just need to know what ports)
"What all is involved in the testing because I can get someone to come in on their day off and help you"
I ju--(st need to know what ports)
"Our project plan will have to be submitted immediately too to get it oked by the hospital, can we do this after hours?"
I'm n(ot ready for testing yet!)

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