Thursday, May 21, 2009

re: drinking

me: by the end of the evening you're all squashed on a couch, fighting over the one duvet, laughing because you just got beer down your shirt, yelling that someone is hogging the popcorn, shushing everyone cuz you can't hear what ace ventura is saying, and arguing whether a bear or a marmoset would win a fight but not particularly caring because you're almost out of vodka and GUYS THIS IS A PROBLEM, WHO WANTS TO LAUNCH A RECON MISSION (oh i do!) so you find your shoes for 15 minutes and stagger on down to the store and come back triumphantly with baileys, toaster strudel, and a potted plant

Mike: If I'm drunk, the likelyhood of pants being taken off would be higher than normal.
me: that's the glory of drunk!

Mike: Don't Kelsa and Drive.

Mike: Let's put it this wayI played with my Aunt, Nathan, Amanda/Hope last weekend
I was last
me: nathan is 5?
Mike: yeah it was effing ridiculous!
Mike: he just randomly swings his arms violently
Hope fucking turned around and bowled backwards with her eyes closed

me: mike (onyxus) is marreid
and he thinks he would end up missing pants if he came up here to party
and who wouldn't, really?
Bryan: so his pants come off and you tell him jokes until he gets divorced?
me: LOL they're so bad that when he repeats them his wife leaves him?

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