Monday, June 28, 2010


Bryan: LOL who slaps their knee
me: thigh, not knee
Bryan: sorry I was trying to talk at the same time
Bryan: I actually said "LOL who slaps their finances" but caught it before I hit enter

Friday, June 25, 2010

Your decimal system has played right into my hands!

me: bryan says i'm a dead snob about education, but marco thinks i'm completely justifeid so what do i know
Bryan: about education? (you want to laugh? I just typed edjucation)
I even tried to figure out where the j was supposed to go. Edu...j... no. Edgu? no Education... wait there is no j in there

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


"While this may be the first documented case of a serious vuvuzela injury, frequent tooters have already reported grossly swollen “vuvuzela lips.” "

Bryan: oh oh USA soccer hooligans outside are shouting obscenities at the foreigners
this will certainly end well
me: "hurr hurr my fat ass vaguely somewhat supports this soccer team once every year and our team is better than YOUR team, fatasses!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

he works from nine to five and then

but then they put me on the girls team and then they got disqualified because I was not a girl, but I claimed to play like one
Bryan: I did feel uncomfortable because I didn't know if all the girls knew I wasn't a girl
because, you see, I had a ballerina skirt on
the perfect disguise

Monday, June 7, 2010

radio arabella

me: Folklore in the Mi'kmaq First Nation claims that the tides in the Bay of Fundy are caused by a giant whale splashing in the water.
Bryan: I always thought a fundy was either a kooky christian fundamentalist or a pair of underwear two people wore at once